Nothing wrong with Good Friday, Phagwah on same day
Guyana Chronicle
January 1, 2002

Please permit me space in your newspaper to express my disappointment which spawned from the letter 'Good Friday and Phagwah on the same day?' [ please note: link provided by LOSP web site ] by Mr. Leon Suseran in your newspaper dated 2001.12.29.

Contrary to Mr. Suseran, I was elated to discover that both Good Friday and Phagwah are to be celebrated on the same day. My thought upon viewing a copy of the 2002 calendar was, how blessed and holy March 29th 2002 will be for Guyana; having two of its major
religions observing the auspices of God on a so-called 'mishap' date.

What is unbearably disappointing to me and certainly others, is the tone of his letter that depicts his bias which is easily identified from his statements:
"No hard feelings Hindus, but I really don't know how Christians will observe Good Friday come next year..." "Something really needs to be done." and "A lot of Guyanese will be very annoyed at this."

As pointed out by Mr. Suseran, the religious holidays are observed and/or celebrated quite oppositely but this is no reasonable explanation for his disapproval. What he and all Guyanese have to remember, is that they live in a democratic country and as such, everyone must be respectful of other cultures but at the same
time be true to their beliefs. Additionally, if a person is truly devoted his faith, he/she will, and should be unaffected by another's observance and/or celebration of God.

I do hope that both holidays remain as they are dated and that no religion will be forced (neither subtly nor blatantly) to reschedule their holy day and with this in mind I do wish Mr. Suseran and all Guyanese a peaceful New Year and blessed Good Friday and Phagwah 2002.
Concerned Young Adult