Roll up de tassa! WAY to go!
Guyana Chronicle
March 31, 2007

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Chief Executive of the International Cricket Council (ICC), Mr. Malcolm Speed was more than up to speed and in tune with things Caribbean and Guyanese yesterday when he, obviously, bemoaned the absence of the traditional Caribbean noise at matches for Cricket World Cup (CWC).

Time to make some noise, he said.

And with his also coming out so full of praise for what Guyana has accomplished so far for CWC, it’s time to roll up de tassa!

(For our overseas visitors – it simply means beat the drums! But the tassa and African drums so much part of our culture have infectious beats of their own.)

Mr. Speed yesterday endorsed the assessment of CWC Venue Development Director, Donald Lockerbie, that Guyana had done an excellent job in preparing for the mega event, commending everyone involved with pulling it off.

At a media conference at the Guyana National Stadium at Providence, he congratulated Guyana for delivering the country’s part of CWC, saying the Providence site underwent an amazing transformation within two years.

“Your country has much to be proud of. You have built an outstanding cricket ground in a very short period of time. I first came here about two years ago and the cane fields had just been cleared and the playing surface had just been levelled. Nothing whatsoever had been built.”

And he called on musicians and merry-makers, who traditionally entertain crowds at Caribbean cricket matches, to ‘bring in the noise’ to the present World Cup.

“We don’t seek to take the West Indian flavour out of it. We want to hear that noise. We want to hear that enthusiasm.”

So, the way is now clear for the fans to walk with their conch shells, shak shaks and other instruments into the stadium with permission from the Local Organising Committee (LOC).

Yesterday, Raghu’s Tassa & Taja Band were allowed in the stands, adding more local flavour to the venue.

Tomorrow, we expect many, many more.

The stage is set; the tension is building; the atmosphere is right; now it’s time to make some noise.

And all those proud Guyanese should make their noise to show the world for the rest of the CWC games here how much pulling the tournament has meant for them.

Bring on the drums, the flutes, the shells and let’s make a mighty noise of celebration to the heavens to drown out the plaintive wailing of the prophets of doom.
It’s celebration time!