Stock market update
Surge in BTI overcomes losses in NBI and DIH to push market up
Stabroek News
May 21, 2004

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A surge in BTI shares this week pushed the price up to $32 or 14% above its previous close. The average price at which DIH shares were traded slipped a tick from the previous week pushing it back down to $5.5. NBI also closed down a tick at $11.9. DDL traded at both $7 and $7.1, though the average remained at $7.0. Despite its smaller weighting, the gains in BTI were sufficient to overcome the losses in DIH and NBI and push the market up 2 points or 0.19% to close at 1,042.4.

The constituents of the index are as follows:

* On MWAP basis, not last trade. Where no trade occurred in a session the MWAP from last session where there was a trade has been taken. This differs from GASCI closing price which is last trade.