In six years 1400 deported from North America - GINA
Stabroek News
February 21, 2004

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The United States of America

There has been a consistent influx of deportees from North America to Guyana over the last seven years, according to statistics, the Government Information Agency (GINA) reported yesterday.

There has also been a steady and consistent increase in the number of persons being deported from the United States for both criminal and immigration offences, with the number in 1997 being 161, while last year the total was 289.

However, as it relates to deportees from Canada, 12 persons have been deported for criminal offences in 2003 as compared to 38 in 2002 and eight in 2001.

Between 1997 and 2003, 1,414 persons were deported to Guyana from North America. And 1,235 of these persons were deported from the US on a number of breaches, categorised as criminal and immigration. During the same period, a total of 179 persons were deported from Canada.

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Note: CB - Criminal Breaches IB - Immigration Breaches

For both countries, deportations for immigration breaches have been outweighed by those of a criminal nature, except in 2003 in Canada where 14 immigration offenders were deported as compared with 12 criminal offenders. Guyana and the US recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding governing the return of deportees.