How can we forget Morrow's little paper
Stabroek News
February 14, 2004

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Dear Editor,

My! My! Well look at who have sung the praises of Fr Andrew Morrison S.J. after he has died. Isn't it queer how things have changed? Or have they?

That man who was called a "cassocked obscenity," whose life continued at the expense of his brother priest's own at the hands of state controlled thugs? That man who, with his little paper and the truth helped so much to save this nation and who gave us "Justice"?

As I marvel at the way people re-invent themselves, I only wish if I can 'see' their consciences as they pay tribute to this truly outstanding Guyanese. God bless him.

Mr Editor, how can we forget all those journalists then in the various state owned media that led the attack, fighting Morrow day and night religiously? How can we forget that little column in Morrow's paper telling us of those who had to cut and run from this country, and how much that column irked those in power?

Really, can we forget Morrow's expose of Jonestown, (so much for our international reputation) and those words over Jones' throne "Those of us who forget the past are condemned to repeat it."

This sinister campaign is now being waged again, electronically injected and in full gear, albeit from the other direction. Well indeed, as they claim, these media bosses are eminently 'qualified' to do so, and as we say in local parlance, they surely have a right to add y.e. (years of experience) behind their names as well. But alas, in this world, there are always those who cannot change, who know no shame nor feel any remorse about what they do.

Ironically today, our dear country is now under siege from "freedom of expression', in stark contrast to the times of Fr. Morrison. There are different rules these days, and honest and decent journalism has taken a back seat to drugs, money and power at all cost.

But time (what a wonderful healer) and the resoluteness of those democratically elected to run our affairs must, and will see us through. For those who are being hounded, I say have faith! Fr. Morrison and his paper were in your corner during the dark times of our past, and I am sure his fighting spirit and resolve are with you.

So too, for sure, is the full support of the overwhelming majority of the Guyanese people.

May Andy's soul Rest in Peace.

Yours faithfully,

Lallbeharry Jones