Very few of the emerging ideas for a diaspora strategy have been realised

Stabroek News
August 8, 2021


Dear Editor,

In a 2019 letter, a suggestion was made to implement a diaspora strategy. This letter was supported by Dr. Vishnu Bisram, who described lived experiences and perceptions on the topic. Today, very few of the emerging ideas have been realized. There are priority objectives that have not yet been defined so Guyana can move on to benefit from its diaspora beyond remittances. Again, as we pursue a diaspora strategy, there must be the restoration of trust in diaspora communities in New York. Government must understand that there exist political differences in Brooklyn and Queens. The fact is that both boroughs are required to implement a holistic national diaspora strategy. There are disparate lived experiences among these communities. The business, family, and individual intentions vary based on those influences. Demographic variables are essential to understand the issue. The specific problem is that there are varying intentions for the Guyanese diaspora in New York. This lack of cohesiveness does not augur well for us. The overserved behaviour of those elected and self-proclaimed leaders are very different in influence, performance, and community service. The question is, how does the Guyana diaspora in New York help to improve the lives of all Guyanese?

There are many diaspora communities in the state. Exemplar communities include the Haitians, Italians, Polish/Slavic, Jamaicans, and Jewish. These communities have matured structures to support diaspora community service, economic, and social development. It must be acknowledged the diaspora supports national safety, security, and surety. Jamaica has a robust strategy that focuses on ten thematic areas. Based on correlated observations, those most vital to Guyana are “Economic Inflows, Investments and Trade,” “Legislative and Policy Review,” and “Socioeconomic Engagement and Involvement.” A Guyanese Diaspora Strategy is not difficult to prepare. One challenge is how diverse the inputs are and closely aligned to the specific needs of all Guyanese, wherever they are. Another is who will be responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed. Guyana must pursue robust research into diaspora engagement and remove the commonplace activities that have no merit. Jamaica’s strategy provides a lighthouse to begin our path to successful diaspora work. The measures of effectiveness and performance of their strategy are evident in their global success. Guyana can equally benefit in priority areas such as business, culture, and economic development, tourism, and youth activities.

The different voices in the diaspora are essential, but they are not all equal. The events and narratives about Guyana’s diaspora must be considered before implementing policy. These events and narratives must foster positive influences and not the projection of selfish or rhinoceros’ motivations. The Guyanese diaspora in New York needs to take advantage of every opportunity, including unity. Once we create a conducive environment to begin dialogue and sharing, we can benefit from an ecosystem of successes. Are we willing?


Dustin Fraser

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