Plots at Christmastime
Frankly Speaking...
By A.A Fenty
Stabroek News
December 20, 2002

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See? See! The strife-makers, the destabilisers, the bandits and their buddies have gotten the better of me. In this season of peace and goodwill towards all men, they have prevailed over my preference. Or have I allowed them to?

I mean that on this last Friday before Christmas Day, I have succumbed to the devil and his negatives. I write about alleged plots which persons I respect urged me to share. (They claim this enlightenment - alleged (?) - might be contributory towards our peace and security at this time.)

Plot one? Naturally the Good Hope three plus two. Some details known by now. Much speculation gives rise to a movie-like plot which, according to "informed sources" in the media, or professional rumour-mongers, indicate that these three men were a part of some Phantom Force literally "gunning" for the escaped bandits and their criminal colleagues. Even the Police Force has not said much about this alleged "Third Force."

But the plot accommodates an explanation that the three men and their sophisticated weaponry and equipment were only intercepted because the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) men were mightily upset over the shooting of one of their younger members. With sub-plots ranging from Drug Baron-controlled Mafia-like Mercenary "forces" to Colombian- associated cartels, we poor law-abiding, lesser mortals hear of hit-lists. Actually, one of the leading anti-government tele-activists has published on his Website that the Phantom Force's objective is really to eliminate the top players and supporters of the political opposition. Not the bandits at all. What absolute mayhem! May even the Idi Amins of local television be wrong about all this. Let peace and goodwill prevail.

Another frightening plot outlined to me by two gentlemen I regard with some credibility. This time, the claim is that the opposition elements have an organised programme of year-end destabilisation events to scare the population and to "impress" the international on-lookers and stakeholders. This opposition plot includes utilisation of the criminals' skills - to the point of robbing and terrorising of all ethnic groups to make the bandits look "non-racial."

The more devastating element of this strategy and campaign is the alleged determination to burn down a service station or gas/fuel facility to achieve a frightening fiery destruction to scare even the bolder souls amongst us. All that against a more academic and political background. As if to say: It's either this or that." What a grim scenario. If you have reason to believe the veracity of these interpretations of what's alleged as stated earlier, either way it behoves us to be on guard. For Christmas and beyond.

One view of Christmas

Here is my provocative - even discordant view of aspects of the Christmas celebrations that I've struggled to come to terms with ever since attaining adulthood "understanding."

Stripped of its strictly religious foundation - most of the elements of which, according to Christian historicity and theology, could be credible - the Christmas celebration can be exposed as false and commercial. It is accepted that the Christ-Child was not born in December. That Christmas observances came long after the Easter reality; that certain Paganistic, Saturnalian, European elements of the celebrations these days have nothing to do with the birth of Jesus.

But my contention is that the European practices and commercialisation were so psychologically and materially powerful that they have overwhelmed us in this part of the world where the mentality of the slave and the colonial was easy to exploit. After all, an end-of-year explosive release is just the thing to chase away one year and plan, hopefully, for another. No wonder that my Roman Catholic friend confidently told me the other day that if there wasn't a Christmas here as we know it, "we would have invented one ourselves."

Another problem for me associated with those "wonderful" European elements of Christmas: despite ACDA'S Afro-centric Kwanzaa attempts, and the emergence of Caribbean-flavoured Christmas music over the past three decades, to me and thousands apparently, the unfortunate truth is that if you take away the Christmas tree, the Santa Claus, the carols, the holly and ivy, the darn dreadful white snow of "frosty" and jingle bells - "Christmas" won't be the same.

Look what they've done to so many minds. I rationalise the changing and improvement of homes at year-end. Oh but the unnecessary determination by too many to keep up with the Joneses at this time.

But then I'll offer my own compromise to an annual situation that even ACDA and the GPSU can't seem to modify. (Without aid from violent opposition forces, protesters, strikes and bandits - as in December 1997). Study the Christmas origins of the season; decide how much both your faith and understanding of the Virgin Birth could appreciate and accept; use the Christmas celebration to give the gifts of life and love and control your expenditure even as you acquire the seasonal home-improvement, clothes and foods of the period.

Oh and if you're Afro-centric, consider that the Baby Jesus, most likely, would have had to be, at least, very brown in appearance and not "white" at all. And yes! It does matter! I'd better end here. Have a reflective Christmas day - along with the other eleven - that the "Europeans" have recommended.

Christmas - despite....

1) O.K., it's true I have not "experienced" as many invitations to staff parties and fetes as before. Circumstances have dictated an all-time low, as even the fun has been stripped off parties and their planning. So much bickering over funding, food and invitees.

2) Then in Bethlehem itself, you can't venture freely near Manger Square or the Church of the Nativity. Israeli teargas keeps Palestinians of the biblical town in check. Would Jesus understand?

3) Christmas will prevail, I bet. So enjoy the day. And beyond.

Til next week!

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