The PNC should not contest next elections; its supporters should vote AFG
Stabroek News
March 5, 2002

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Dear Editor,

While power sharing has its advantages and disadvantages, it is worth giving it a try, at the present time only, in good faith. However, the PPP having a clear majority in the elections, will not be in a hurry to share power, and as long as the PPP and the PNC are the two main competitors for power, the PPP will win, because of the racial divide.

An alternative to power sharing, which will remove the racial divide, is solely in the hands of the PNC. That is, do not compete in the next election. Let the PPP compete against an Alliance for Guyana, under the leadership of Dr Rupert Roopnaraine, who more than deserves an opportunity to make a change. The PNC supporters will vote AFG and the PPP supporters will not be afraid to vote AFG, because their fear of the PNC getting back into office will not exist. This alliance must accommodate, ROAR, TUF, reps from CANA, JFA, Dr Joey Jagan and a slate of scholars. This will be a landslide victory.

I believe, that the PNC owes this to the Guyanese people, to reciprocate for the many years of unintentional hardship.

Yours faithfully,

Joe Persaud (Canada)