Guyana is First
Proposals concerning Guyana's frontiers

Stabroek News
June 11, 2000

On October 14, 1999, Guyana is First held a forum on "The genesis of territorial issues and the evolution of frontiers' policy," to which government and military officials and members of civic society were invited. Various recommendations and ideas emerged from the discussions which are reproduced below.

Recommendations and ideas

1. Information, Education and Research:

(1) That a national public awareness campaign be immediately implemented to inform, educate and sensitise the citizens of Guyana, at home and abroad, on the border issues.

(2) That a regional and international awareness campaign be launched.

(3) That a National Border Commission be established and appointed, by Parliament, to carry out research into the border issues, to prepare the country's case in defence of its territorial integrity, to advise and give information to all agencies and persons involved in defence of our borders, to monitor all developments on the border and to advise on appropriate responses, and such other functions as may be effectively carried out by such a Commission:

(a) That the Commission be made up of members of the Government and Opposition, Indigenous Communities, the University of Guyana, the Guyana Defence Force and Civil Society.

(b) That the Commission has access to the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs on matters relating to the country's borders.

(c) That the Commissioners may function as ambassadors-at-large on this specific issue.

(4) That all maps depicting Guyana's territory as part of any neighbouring country be banned and further distribution prohibited.

2. Diplomacy:

(1) That intensive diplomatic initiatives be continued toward peaceful resolution of the borders' issues and that such initiatives be the principal means of defending the territorial integrity of Guyana.

3. Development of the people and territory of the frontiers' region:

(1) That there should be established a Commission, with executive powers, on the development of the people and territory of the frontier regions.

(2) That the Commission be made responsible for the supervision and implementation of a development programme, specifically designed for the frontier regions and which will encompass:

(a) strategic infrastructure development, e.g. the construction of Guyana's portion of the Guyana-Brazil road;

(b) increased population of the regions through migration schemes, vigorous pursuit of investment, special support and incentives for youth, as a matter of national policy to encourage their participation in the development of these areas.

(c) the formulation of an immigration policy to encourage persons of relevant and appropriate skills to settle and develop border areas as determined by the development plan;

(d) the promotion of volunteer and pioneer groups to carry out works aimed at enhancing the quality of life in existing communities and in establishing new ones.

(3) The Commission should comprise representatives of indigenous populations, the Guyana Defence Force, the business community, and specialists in the field of Economic development, community development technicians and environmentalists.

4. Role of Amerindians:

1. That in addition to their role as advised in the foregoing, Amerindians should be involved at all levels in the formulation of policies that affect the interest of Amerindian communities.

2. That the issue of Amerindian land titles in Amerindian communities be dealt with expeditiously.

5. Suriname:

1. That given Guyana's position that the present boundaries are valid and justified, discussions be opened with Suriname to finally determine and demarcate, by treaty or formal agreement, the boundary between the two countries.

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