Like the Americans, we should unite to rebuild
Stabroek News
September 21, 2001

Dear Editor,

Like many others, I was, and still am, very much broken by the gruesome terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in the United States. Not only am I moved by compassion for the innocent lives lost, but also I am amazed and broken to see how the American citizens, particularly the Democrats and the Republicans, put away their differences and stand as one nation against the `forces of evil.' The volunteers were so many that they were refused, and many American businesses contributed financial and material resources to help in the mammoth task of clean-up and rescue.

Isn't that wonderful? Isn't this mocking us, knowing that we live like crabs in a barrel?

Come on fellow Guyanese, it's time to unite and to rebuild our lovely country.

Yours faithfully,

Randolph Sue