Investment confidence To the Editor
Guyana Chronicle
December 7, 2001

IN recent times we have been witnessing burgeoning activity in the establishment of Chinese restaurants throughout the counties. All three counties and several villages are experiencing the commercial expertise of our Chinese migrants. The most discriminating gastronomic fancy is satisfied through the varied preparations on offer at these popular eating establishments.

It is no secret that Guyanese generally look forward to a well-prepared Chinese meal. The popularity and consequent support extended to these restaurants is manifested by the successful proliferation.

What are the conclusions to be drawn from this phenomenon, apart from satisfying Guyanese palates. The truth is enormous profits accrued to the proprietors, considerable economic activity is generated and the source of this prosperity is not derived from any one class in our society, the most populous working class accounts for the major proportion of customers.

Eating out is not a luxury nor is taking home a lazy fashion. Contributing factors on this reliance of ready cooked meals, suggests the out growth of Georgetown which means longer distances to cover between workplace and home, permitting more time for the home maker to do other pressing chore, permitting some time for relaxation after a long workday and perhaps extending some time towards preparing the next days meals, depending what meal is purchased it is conceivable in preparing, fuel/energy and cost of raw materials, cleaning up, etc. This must have exercised the minds of the heads of families.

The phenomenon however, remains and another ancillary dimension is the question of whether the revenue collecting agency is garnering their due share of taxes. Consider also the overall impact on the National economy in terms of generating income activity.

This aspect of business activity can be multiplied several times, for example, the number of hardware outlets, the number of hair care salons, small private housing development, internet cafes, etc. All of this aggregation will be surprisingly quite substantial, a measure of investment confidence in the country.
David DeGroot.